Mike Wiering's Super Mario Bros. clone, written in Turbo Pascal using parallax scroll layers on a 486, was a small step for him. He had only intended to prepare this game as a foundation for other games he would create. Somehow, the four-level beta version would spread worldwide as a $15 shareware version, and Mike would purchase this disk to see what is happening about his own game.
Gameplay is easy, we move forward using the RIGHT and LEFT keys, accelerate with CTRL, and jump with ALT. After being sufficiently nourished with mushrooms, we can also fire with SPACE to the range adjusted by the UP and DOWN key presses. Sometimes you can descend into end-of-level tunnels or pipes leading to other hidden paths with DOWN key. Game elements and gameplay typically similar to other Super Mario games.
Even in the late 90s, this game was still popular as a Mario game.
🏷️ Score: 6.0/10
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